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Everything you need to know before you arrive!
Thinking about
gathering with us?
Our Service starts every sunday @ 10am

Our cafe opens before service as a place to greet one another and grab a cup of coffee to take into our service. Don't miss this part!

We believe that kids should have a blast learning about Jesus. We offer programs for newborns through 5th grade. All kids check in happens before service, but newborns through kindergarten will go to their classes before service. 1st grade through 5th grade will sing together during worship.

We start out with a call to Worship, centering our thoughts on God and His Word. Then we hear the announcements—just the major things that are coming on the calendar. We offer our church family a few ways to give financially, and we welcome anyone who’s new and offer them a gift that they can pick up at the front desk as they’re headed home. Then we get into the meat and potatoes of our gathering: Connecting to God and to each other.
Then Pastor Eric Gonzales and the Worship team leads us in about 25 minutes of song—psalms and hymns and worshipful songs—during which our folks stand, or sit, or close their eyes and pray. Our Tech team projects the words to the songs on the screens up front so folks can sing along. We want folks to connect with God and His Truth during this time. As the music is ending, Pastor Aaron Lawless, or someone else from our fellowship, comes to the stage to lead us in a time of prayer.